Are You Tuned In To Making Money Or Losing Money

How would you like to have Station MSFM always playing in your head? What would it look like if the money were flowing in and everything looked as good as it felt? Would you be impassioned to take action whenever the opportunity presented itself? Would you use all of the tools at your disposal to create change? We all have a money station playing in our head - every moment of every day. Some of us have it playing by default, no conscious choice,and when that happens it's usually hovering around Station BROKE. Others are choosing to make money, or, as in the case of Station MSFM - make some freakin' money. Now lest we get confused here where the spiritual side screams "foul", think of it this way, money is just the enabler - it allows us to be more of who we "really are" inside. This station is set based on our own selection and we sing along with it.

We're the programming director. We tell it to play songs that tell us why we'll "never", why we "can't", why it "won't work", why we "shouldn't", how we "missed that opportunity" and it'll "never be as good as it was then"OR we tell the DJ to play songs that tell us how powerful we are, how creative we are, how valuable we are, how rich we are and the infinite possibilities that are ahead of us. As Henry Ford said, "think you can, think you can't; either way you're right" and it's just as important in the financial arena as it is in any other.

Sometimes we can create a win despite the station that is playing because we have a team that supports us and believes in us. For those times it's good to be grateful. Then there are times when our station is playing and we have to turn the volume up because we find ourselves tested - to see how much we believe in our dream. That moment has come to everyone that is truly successful at some point in their lives. A couple of notables include the likes of Walt Disney and Col. Sanders.

How many times did someone tell them "no" and yet their choice of station kept playing their "most requested songs". They played the station that made money. They had determination along with a dream, a vision, a plan and ultimately a team to help them implement the vision.

Their self-talk, their Station MSFM, reinforced what they already knew in their heads and their hearts. If the station that is playing in your head today is attracting the results that you don't want - find someone to help you make a different choice, but don't expect them to make the choice for you. You're the only one that has that power. If you choose Station MSFM and it gets hard to hear take a second and just adjust the fine tuning - unlike the radios of today it's just like to ones of the past where we can fine tune it and get it to play as perfectly as we desire.

What station are you choosing to listen to today?.

Kira Wagner is a living example of recognizing choices to achieve tremendous results. Born to blind parents, she's aware that the only handicaps are those we place on ourselves. Kira Wagner is a speaker, writer and seminar leader. For additional information visit my website at

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